Church Life

The church is supposed to be so much bigger than just a group of people coming together on a Sunday morning! We believe that church should be the place where we encounter God, experience real relationships with others and get to see both of these things grow.

On our Sunday morning Worship Services, we gather to worship Jesus and to build one another up. We do this through having coffee together before and after the service; being led by the band in singing worship songs; hearing stories of how God has been moving in other people’s lives; exercising spiritual gifts such as prophecy and words of knowledge; hearing preaching from the Bible and praying as a whole church as well as with one another.

Our regular Worship Service runs like this:

09:45 – arrive for coffee

10:00 – the service starts with a welcome and notices from the meeting host before they hand over to the worship leader

10:25 – our children head out to Livewires and Brightsparks.

10:35 – our youth head out to Ignite and we hear biblical teaching.

11:00 (ish) – we respond to what we’ve heard. Sometimes this will be a time of exuberant worship, other times we’ll share in communion and other times we’ll have a time of prayer. Our ministry team is on hand to pray with people who would like to receive prayer.

11:30 – we head out to the foyer for coffee and to collect any children that people may have.

On Sundays we have youth and children’s groups where our younger people can enjoy learning more about Jesus! Make sure to check out our ‘What we do’ page!

Another key aspect of church life is to spend regular times in corporate prayer. Our prayer meetings are the hub of church life and direction because we are led by the Holy Spirit in our prayers. We meet on the first Sunday of the month at 7:30pm (look at our ‘What’s On‘ page for more details.) We also gather at 6:30am on Wednesday mornings on zoom to pray for an hour. These early prayer times focus on seeking God for the Worship Service on the coming Sunday as well as praying for BFC members in their day to day work in expanding the Kingdom!

Finally, we also meet in home groups throughout the week to encourage and walk alongside one another. (Look here at our home groups page)